This evening, through my office windows (not that windows) I see beautiful scenery of Jakarta Cloudy Blue Sky. I just wanna share this moment to you.
This evening, through my office windows (not that windows) I see beautiful scenery of Jakarta Cloudy Blue Sky. I just wanna share this moment to you.
Wuihhh, jarang2 kan jakarta kayak gitu ya?
Sekali seumur hidup ini..
pengamat langit pemantau kereta huehehhe
eugh, emg keren bgt. fotographernya ok
Keren bgt awannya.. TOP deh! 😀
alah…sok romantis… wakakaks… 😀
heheheh …. sempet2nya ngeliat langit. tapi lain kali kalo ngambil foto jangan di atas rel yach !!
Banyak kereta api kakakakakk ….
itu ngambilnya dari mana yak?
atas relkah ^^ hihihi
itu jakarta?
Waaaa…. Baguuuuuussss!!!!! *terpesona*